Mystic Living Radio Pod

Positive Thinking


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In this enlightening episode of Mystic Living Radio, we delve into the transformative power of positivity with a focus on tangible benefits for mind, body, and spirit. Join host Larry Laurence as he explores how adopting a positive mindset can enhance mental clarity, boost physical health, and elevate overall well-being. There is practical tips for integrating positive habits into your daily routine. Tune in and discover the magic of positivity!

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Science, Spirituality & Mysticism & Shamanism

Jenny sat drinking her morning tea while thinking that her mood and health were being affected by all her negative thoughts of the past few days. She wondered if the benefits of positive thinking were real and if so why.

According to Ernest Holmes and others, our thoughts have the power to shape our experiences, including our physical well-being. By intentionally selecting positive and health-promoting thoughts, individuals can pave the way for a healthier physical state. 

In the Science of Mind philosophy, the body is considered a manifestation of the mind. This perspective is rooted in the belief that our thoughts, emotions, and mental states directly influence our physical health and well-being. 

Is this concept true?

Yes, SOM is not the only spiritual tradition to put forth this concept. Yoga, Ayurveda, Buddhism, Christian Science, Unity, New Thought, Jewish Kabbalah and Sufism all profess this idea. Even many of the indigenous and shamanic traditions view the mind and body as part of a holistic system, where mental and spiritual states directly influence physical health.

Jenny thought, well that is reassuring.

According to these philosophies, the mind is the main force behind physical reality. This means that the state of the body reflects the mental and emotional patterns held in the mind. Positive, harmonious thoughts lead to health and vitality, while negative, discordant thoughts can cause illness and physical issues.

The healing practices in Science of Mind involve primarily mental and spiritual methods, including affirmations, prayer/meditation. These techniques help to align our thoughts with the concept of health. In this sense, prayer is a way to shift our mindset from the current situation to a firm belief that the desired outcome has already manifested itself. Of course, this does not guarantee an immediate result; rather, the timing is determined by the strength of one's faith in the prayer. Additionally, it is important for one's ego thoughts to also align with the desired outcome and for one to act as if it has already been achieved.


The small hand on Jennys watch ticked methodically around the face, marking the passage of time. Professor Einstein's words echoed in her mind, time is relative, as she focused on taking deep breaths and grounding herself in the present moment. Then past and future faded away, leaving only the here and now, just as Eckhart Tolle had taught her.

Later, she sat cross-legged on her meditation cushion, and contemplated the idea of healing through the mind and the concept of karma. She thought, “how can my current actions and thoughts have a direct impact on both my present healing and future outcomes… without in interfering with my karma?”

Is there a conflict between healing with the mind and interference with karmic processes?

Karmic philosophy suggests that some aspects of our lives, including health issues, result from past actions and are therefore predestined to some extent. This can imply a limitation on individual control over one's current circumstances.

However, while healing oneself through the mind and the concept of karmic forces can initially seem at odds, there is no conflict. Why? 

Staying in the present moment is considered an effective way to interrupt or even stop the karmic process because it allows individuals to break free from the habitual patterns of thought and behavior perpetuated by karma.

Although we’ve discussed healing, it is important to keep a positive view of life. Why? Because enough proof has been collected over scientific studies, through mindfulness experiments and neurological understanding, to realize that what we focus on has a direct effect on the chemistry of the body. 

Jenny wonders what the proven benefits of positive thinking are.

First, it reduces stress and anxiety: Positive thinking can help mitigate the impact of stress and anxiety by shifting focus away from negative thoughts and fears. This promotes a more relaxed state of mind, which is crucial for mental well-being. Positive mindsets are more likely to reduce the development of depression.

Positive attitudes have been linked to better immune function, and longevity.

It improves our relationships by attracting others with similar mindsets, as most people prefer being around those with a positive outlook.

Finally, neuroscience has evidence to show that positive thinking can rewire the brain, leading to an increase in activity in areas associated with happiness and well-being.

So, whether the mind controls the body, or conscious thought controls actions, the Science of Mind philosophy provides tools in support of healing. Additionally, by embracing positivity, we can enrich our own lives and positively influence the world around us.

I’m Larry Laurence. Join us for more podcasts, videos, and my blog at and follow us on facebook

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